By Guest on Tuesday, 11 February 2014
Category: Smoking Tips & News

Marijuana-Infused Sweets

The marijuana-infused sweets industry has been booming since the day cannabis has been legalized in Colorado.

Marijuana-infused snacks is a great way to get high in public or indoors without making any smoke. All kinds of treats can be found at the store: from mint chocolates and cookies, to gummy bears and ice-cream. This tasty treats became very popular among tourist and locals; However, the popularity of cannabis and hash oil infused candy alarm a lot of parents, school teachers and doctors, because of some accidents, that took a place after some kids ate the wrong treat. Some kids are looking to get those kind of candy, but some simply don't know the difference.

Just to be aware always remember, the marijuana-infused treat  produced by Dixie Elixirs and Edibles and always placed in silver bags or opaque silver bottles without any cartoon characters. Every bag labeled with an exact amount of THC and the time for the drug to be activated in human body.

So if you love your pot treats, but have some nieces and nephews - be responsible and keep sweets for yourself, put them as far and as high as possible out of children's reach.

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