By Guest on Saturday, 27 July 2013
Category: Smoking Tips & News

Welcome Industrial Hemp in Vermont!

While the Federal Law is still in process of approving Industrial Hemp Recreation, Vermont's farmers already got a green light by the State Government.

On June 10th, 2013 Goveror Shumlin signed the legislative bill into law, and now any farmer can grow Hemp for a registered fees of $25. All they need to do is to register and file some paperwork with the Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets, provide information on the future Hemp fields and prove that Hemp seeds that they gonna use contain less then %0.3 THC.

However, all registration forms will state that growing hemp remains illegal under the penalty of the federal law and that a farmer can face federal criminal penalties, confiscation of property and loss of the federal farms aid program.

Farmers! Enjoy growing your hemp, but don't forget to look around

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