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Cannabis Vending Machine Opens in New Zeland

Cannabis Vending Machine opens in Auckland, New Zeland.

The idea of vending Cannabis machine belongs to NORML ( The National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws).

Drug law reform campaigners hired a standard commercial vending company who replaces the soda cans with one-gram bags filled with cannabis. The unusual machine stays in NORML Auckland Clubroom and You can buy this treat for 20 NZ dollars (about 14 American dollars).

Julian Crawford, the president of the club, said this Cannabis Vending Machine become more and more popular. On a busy nights sales go up to a hundred. Mr Crawford admit that some people turned up simply to buy cannabis, but "We want to grow the number of activists that we've got".

Let's say that cannabis use and possession is illegal in New Zeland and can attract penalties of fines and imprisonment, but by using the machine as a dispenser, no one is a dealer, so no rules broken. Still the club is monitoring by the police, who speak to every other person who entering and exiting the club.

A police spokesman said "It's just a normal routine policing"

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