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Catalans will grow marijuana to fight crisis!

Today, 1st March, in Spain,  La Vanguardia (Catalania Newspaper) reported that the Mayor of the city Rasquera approved the law that allows to grow marijuana.

According to authorities it will help to fight against the economical crisis and unemployment in the city.

The authority of the city will provide 7 acres of land that will be used to grow marijuana exclusively for Barcelona Society of cannabis users.

Rasquera had signed the documentations already and according to the papers for the land usage the Society will pay 36 thousandth euros in the beginning and then additional  650 thousandth euros for 2 years straight. Also society will have to provide the protection and security for the land because there is no police in Rasquera.

This project will create about 50 jobs. The population of Rasquera is less then a thousand people, though the city debt is 1.3 million.

Most residents of Rasquera approved this law, believing that it will help to improve the city economy. According to "El Pais" one of the locals Mario Amorosa said "I don't smoke since army times, but I'd to go to work planting marijuana because I haven't had a job for 2 years". According to the other resident "Since there are no jobs in the city, it's better to revive Rasquera by growing this plant, then nuclear energy". Still some citizens concerned that marijuana plantation will turn Rasquera to the center of drug traffic..

In addition, Pellisa, Mayor of Rasquera, said that the city government developing 5 or 6 other projects related to cultivation of cannabis, like supplying seeds to Spain's so-called grow shops, which are allowed to sell them to people wishing to grow they own plants.

Pellisa said he had informed the regional government of Catalonia, which runs the local police, about the project. The government had told him it would consult lawyers.

In main time, Rasquera's town hall agreed to set up a committee to draw up on protocol "security and risk control", according to a draft of the contract with ABCDA.

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