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Minnesota Waitress Got 12,000 Weed Tip

Stacy Knutson, mother of five children, waitress from the Fryn' Pan restaurant in Moorhead, Minnesota was working a late-night shift, when she noticed that a woman had left a to-go box from another restaurant. She chased the woman and tried to give her the box back, on what lady respond "No, I'm good, You keep it".

When Knutson returned to the restaurant and opened the box, she found $12,000 in rolled up bills.

Worried about where the money came from, she called the police. Later she said " Even though I desperately needed the money as my husband and I have 5 kids, I feel I did the right thing by calling the Moorhead Police."

The investigation was opened by the police tp try to find where the money came from and immediately was found that the money gave off an overwhelming smell of marijuana. Money was checked by the police dog, who gave a positive sniff on a narcotics. So now the police looking into the drug investigation.

In mean time Knutson and her attorney wondered when she can get her money back, on what they got a respond that if no one claims the money in 90 days - money is hers. Craig Richie ( Stacy's attorney) told that several members of the community knew Stacy and her husband were facing considerable financing woes, and he believes the money was intended as a gift to her family. Assistant Clay County Attorney Michelle Lawson said the money couldn't be tied to a criminal investigation and Knutson will receive a check soon.

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