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The Marijuana Show

If you are into "Shark Tank" & cannabis at the same time, then you must watch "The Marijuana Show".

The Show

The Marijuana ShowThe Marijuana Show was created by Karen Paull & Wendy Robbins and will be launched on November 18, 2014. You will be able to watch the show directly from TheMarijuanaShow website or YouTube.

The show invites entrepreneurs of marijuana world to share their ideas with the "Sharks" of the Marijuana Show and possibly get an investment and a partnership. For the first season over 200 candidates  were auditioned, 22 were called back and only 10 made it on a show.

The season 2 audition will be held just a few days before the first season goes live online. If you would like to participate, you have to be 21 or older with a valid ID. You need to bring your Business Plan and Product or a Sample. You will have 2 minutes of producers attention. The audition will take a place on Saturday, November 15, 2014 9am-4pm. Call back is on Sunday, November 16,2014  9am-4pm at the Indoor-Expo/The Denver Mart Expo Building (451 E. 58th Ave).

You got your chance ganja-preneurs. Good Luck!

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