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We Need To Talk

 Didn't catch the dealer home while raiding his crops? - Leave a note - "We Need To Talk".

GMP Massage To Cannabis Dealer Who Wasn't HomeThe Greater Manchester Police raid  a residency and seize a large growing cannabis plants operation. Over 70 pot plants were collected and turned into the property of the Greater Manchester Police Department; However, the real owner of the plants wasn't home when the raid occurred. So, to notify the dealer that his plants are now the Greater Manchester Police plants, smart cops left a note on dealer's broken door.

"We Need To Talk. Please Contact GMP on 101 and ask for Wigan Division. Unfortunately, you were not home and have no cannabis left. Many Thanks"

Or Englishman,  always stay polite...

Officers, very proud of their work, snap a picture of the note and posted it on GMP Salford West Twitter Page.. They think they are funny..Or Englishmen..

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